2 minute financial tasks

Throughout the 100 conversations project, a common refrain I hear a lot is that you know you want to do something about money but don’t know quite where to start.

I’ve felt like this a lot myself while I’ve recently been going through my own personal financial journey. But these things have helped me push forward.

  1. I’ve been reading Atomic Habits (which I was initially very skeptical of but I’ve come around to really liking) which emphasizes focusing on small and simple tasks that can be done in 2 minutes. The idea is that even if you do something for 2 minutes it 1) helps make progress towards the goal, even if it’s a small step forward 2) starting tasks can be a big mental hurdle, so if you can just start with something small, you may find yourself getting into a groove and going farther.

    For example, rather than me ruminating on how I should really consolidate 401k accounts, I did a 2 minute task towards that goal: list out all my accounts. Just that. Nothing more. Obviously, later on, I then took it a little further—figuring out which accounts I wanted to rollover, then calling customer service to ask how to do that, then actually filling out the forms that needed to be filled, etc.

  2. As a product manager, I’m always thinking about what can improve the product the most with the least amount of technical resources. In this case, my net worth is my product, and I’ve ranked tasks based on dollar impact versus effort required. It’s helped me see that I really should spend more of my time focused on getting reimbursed for something like pricey out of pocket medical expenses than a $10 Target return.

I’ve definitely not mastered any of these…(it’s a process!)

But I’ve put together a list of these micro-tasks to share:

Charlotte’s 2 minute tasks

As always, I’d love to hear from you and any feedback you might have. :)

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Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. The content on this site and on the podcast does not constitute financial, legal, accounting, tax, or investment advice.


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